2024 Sponsorship Information

The Event is Proudly Presented by:

The Event is Produced by:

Event Location:
Downtown Winters, CA.
Rotary Park & Main Street

Date & Times:
Friday, December 6th, 2024 ~ 2 pm to 9 pm
Tree Lighting at 6 pm
Saturday, December 7th, 2024 ~ 1 pm to 9 pm
Parade at 6 pm

Event Site Plan for Festival Both Days

Parade Route

Benefits of Sponsorship

These are just a few of the media outlets that we are reaching out to:

Print: The Winters Express, The Daily Democrat, The Sacramento Bee, and more
Radio: KCBS, KGO, KFBK, 93.7 The River, and more
Online: Facebook and other social media outlets.
TV: We are looking to partner with a local TV Station to help promote the event.
Publicity: We will be sending out press releases to thousands of contacts in our media database.
• Promotion & Marketing: The Winters Tractor Parade & Festival is being marketed in a variety of publications and online. Publicity and promotion will consist of Press releases, posters, and
postcards distributed throughout the area.
• THE WEB: The official event website is WintersTractorParade.com. It is being promoted in all materials related to the event.

• And More:
• Have access to one of the most sought-after demographic niches in the country. This is an exceptional opportunity to reach the sophisticated California market.
• Reach a large audience with repeated impressions. Your company name and/or logo can appear on the event’s promotional materials, including the official event website.
• A unique opportunity to engage with people. Event attendees are a captive, receptive audience
that has time to look, listen, and hear about your products and/or services.
• Develop new business contacts. The Event provides a unique networking opportunity to connect with the community in a fun and entertaining environment.
• Demonstrate, sample, or test market your product. Receive instant responses about your products
and/or services from attendees.
• Show your company’s commitment to the arts and the local community. The Event offers a great way for you to show your commitment to the residents of the community.
• Help promote community outreach. The Event provides a unique opportunity for the community to
come together. The community has a long tradition of supporting its benefactors.

Sponsorship Levels

Title Sponsor Level: $10,000

• Category exclusivity for the 2024 Event

• Right of first refusal for the 2025 Event

• Company name and logo incorporated into Event name for all advertising and promotional purposes, including all print advertising, radio spots, posters /postcards, and the Website

• Official Holiday Tree Lighting (Friday) & Parade Sponsor (Saturday)

• Large banners placed around the event site (sponsor to provide)

• 10ft x 20ft space in a prime location at the Event for both days

• Prime spot in the Parade

Major Sponsor Level: $5,000

•Company logo prominently displayed in all advertising, online, and on
posters/postcards for the Event and on the Event Website

• Official Holiday Tree Lighting (Friday) & Parade Sponsor (Saturday)

• Large banners placed around the Event site (sponsor to provide)

• 10ft x 10ft space in a prime location at the Event for both days

• Inclusion in the Parade

Participating Sponsor Level: $3,000

• Business name displayed in all promotional and marketing materials for the Event

• Official Holiday Tree Lighting (Friday) & Parade Sponsor (Saturday)

• 10 x 10 space at the Event for both days

Contributing Sponsor Level: $1,500

• 10ft x 10ft Space at the Event for both days

• Official Holiday Tree Lighting (Friday) & Parade Sponsor (Saturday)

Please Note: All income for the 2024 Tractor Parade and Festival goes back
into the cost of producing the Event for the Community.

Please give us an email if your would like us to create a custom package

Thank You!